When you have a variable that could contain a numeric range of data and you want to “map” it to a new range. (For instance I have a variable that has a range of numbers from -1 to 1, yet I want to “map” it to a range of numbers from 0 to 400). We can use the map function:
// if oldValue goes from -1 to 1
// newValue will go from 0 to 400
// For instance if oldValue=0.5, newValue=300
let newValue=map(oldValue,-1,1,0,400);
The basic trigonometry functions are extremely useful for generative art. I like to use these functions for two reasons, the first is that no matter what “x” value I pass to sin(x) or cos(x), I know it will always return a number from -1 to 1. Second, I like to use these functions, especially with movement because I know that their results will look more natural than movement that happens linearly over time.
From Class, creating an interesting design using Sin. Feel free to change some of the parameters to see how it effects the design:
Another example (similar, not covered in class):
Look at the source at P5 Editor
Notice how the balls moving in the following sketch appear to move with a rhythm that looks more natural: