Code! is a 2 point online course run by IMA professor David Stein. The course focuses on applying the fundamentals of coding into interactive media projects, and is designed with a few key considerations. The course is:
- Beginner Friendly: If you have never written a single line of code, this course is for you!
- Asynchronous and Remote. You don’t need to be in New York City, and your schedule is your own. The course content is predominantly pre-recorded videos that you can follow in your own time.
- Hands On: From Day 1, you will be writing your own code! Each weekly assignment requires that you create or modify a code sketch, ensuring that you get practical coding experience from the outset. The coding material is presented through the lens of drawing and animation. There are no right or wrong answers and you are encouraged to be creative!
- Community-Oriented. Although the course does not meet in person, the instructor team does its best to ensure that everyone feels a part of the community. We have an active and vibrant discourse forum where you can share your work, receive feedback on your assignments, and both get and give help on coding projects.
Welcome to Code Introduction Videos
Welcome to Code! Fall 2024
Code! - Review Session 1 - P5 Basics, Shapes
Code! - Review Session 2 - Shapes and Variables - Animation
Code! - Review Session 3 - Expressions, Conditions, Loops
Code - Review Session 4 - Functions, Transformations
Code Review Session 5 - Objects
Code Review Session 6 - Text, Strings, Arrays, Arrays of Objects
Code Review Session 7 - Arrays of Objects
Welcome to Code!