Instructor: David Stein

Email: [email protected]

Course Description

What is the musical ensemble of the future? Technology has always influenced our music and performances throughout the ages. What new and interesting ways can we reinvent how people play music together? This technical production course challenges its participants by providing a collaborative opportunity to create new instruments using your mobile phone or laptop, develop musical compositions and produce a musical performance. Assignments involve both independent and collaborative projects throughout the semester culminating in a group performance at the end of the term.

Video of one of the final projects of ENT3320

Video of one of the final projects of ENT3320

Topics covered include Making Music in P5 and JavaScript, Node.JS, MIDI and Network Communication, using a Mobile Phone and/or Posture Detection as a Human Computer Interface, and an introduction to computer music.

This Technical Production course provides an opportunity for students to apply the skills they've acquired while pursuing their degree to a collaboratively implemented project. Set up as an online research and development lab, we will work together to develop a technical platform to make music together.


Introduction Slide

All Sketches at the P5 Editor: ENT 3320 P5 Collection

Day 1: P5 Intro and Playing Sound Clips

Day 2 : P5 Sample Parameters and commands

Day 3 - Sampler and playing Notes with Samples

Day 4 : Arrays and Loops, Scheduling Sounds

Day 5 - Challenge 1 Due

Challenge 1 Day

Day 5 & 6 - Classes & Objects, Team Strategies and Oscillators

Advanced Topic - Object Method Callbacks

Day 7 - Synths and Effects