

Repetition in art is a powerful tool that artists use to draw attention, express ideas, and create rhythm and balance. By repeating certain elements, artists can create patterns that can be pleasing to the eye, create a sense of order, or even lead to a sense of movement or progression. Not only does this technique enhance the visual interest and balance within the artwork, but it can also reinforce the message or emotion the artist is trying to convey. This is evident in the works of many famous artists, such as M.C. Escher, known for his mathematically-inspired prints often featuring repetitive patterns and tessellations. - From Notion AI

Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC

Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC

Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC

Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC

Yayoi Kusama “Festival of Life” @ David Zwirner Gallery NYC

Yayoi Kusama “Festival of Life” @ David Zwirner Gallery NYC

From Last Week Review adding a Shape and changing the Material

In class, we dropped a 3D capsule in the scene, created a material and added a script to change the color of the material.

	MeshRenderer mr = GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
	mr.material.color = new Color(0.5f,1.0f,0.25f);

Attaching a script with public parameters

public class myScript : MonoBehaviour
		// public variables always show up in Unity editor's inspector
		// public variables also can be accessed by code outside the myScript class
    public int publicInInspector;

		// private variables by default do not show up in the inspector
		// private variables can only be accessed by code within myScript class
    private int notInInspector;

		// if you want to access a private variable in the editor's inspector
		//    add the SerializeField attribute
    private int privateInInspector;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

Note, in addition to [SerializeField] there are additional useful attributes which can effect how a property shows up in the Inspector

// If you place any of these attributes prior to a variable, it
//   will effect how the variable appears in the Inspector

// Header will create a section within the Inspector
[Header("Daves Section")]

// ToolTip will show a text when you mouse over the property
[ToolTip("Please select an interesting color for the Capsule")]

// Range will limit the input to a numeric range using a slider for input
[Range(1,8)]       // for integers
[Range(0f,3.0f)]   // for floats